International, innovative, intelligent, inclusive, idealistic, imperfect, inconsistent, indefatigable, ingenious, in progress, irreverent, Italian. But above all INDEPENDENT. These are the thirteen “i”s of ytali, the Venetian magazine with a view on the world, which is continuing to grow in terms of circulation and reputation. Ytali’s independence, which is the most important of the thirteen “i”s, is its distinctive feature. It is the basis and the guarantee for our being a “plural” magazine.
We have no masters other than our readers. That is why we are asking readers like you to renew your financial support, even with small donations, and also to help us spread and let people know about ytali.
Ytali, with the first letter y. This emphasizes our non-conformist vision of and about our country, but also recalls, not even so subtly, made in Italy, by alluding to the Italian ability to be part of international dynamics, offering the best of our production, not of goods, but of ideas, ingenuity and projects, of a culture that has a history and which is a recognized and appreciated style.
From the very beginning we have been committed to internationalizing the magazine, translating a large number of our articles into English, and also other languages. This commitment has developed to the extent that we are preparing to launch a parallel “twin” site, completely in English: YtaliGlobal. The site is currently under construction, but YtaliGlobal is already up and running as part of
Non-profit and volunteer work
ytali is a non-profit community of readers and supporters at the center of which is a collective of writers and editors who write articles and do the backoffice work, none of whom are paid, and all of whom offer a significant portion of their time on a volunteer basis. The editorial team is in constant contact with a now vast and considerable network of authors and collaborators who are also unpaid.
Free and without advertising
ytali‘s articles are available for free and this is the heart of our challenge: to reclaim and keep up the spirit of the independent press without revenue from things such as intrusive advertisements, which are often the price to pay for reading without having to purchase subscriptions. Our free daily offering of quality articles has so far been possible thanks to the support of our readers. That support has been economic but also aimed at making ytali known, at spreading it around and bringing together new readers – in different parts of Italy and in distant countries – who often become supporters with donations, even small ones, often on a periodic basis, like a subscription. Your support, dear reader, is indispensable to helping us continue to exist, to increase and improve the quality of our publications (articles, above all, but also books), promote cultural initiatives, and to strengthen our presence in Venice, the city where the magazine is based and to which it devotes a great deal of attention.
Your donation is also tax deductible or deductible from your income (ART 83 DLGS 117/2017)
Bank transfers can be made payable to ytali:
IBAN: IT 43 Z 01030 02001 000000805394
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Or make a donation via paypal
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